Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The nine day yogic cleanse begins next Monday.  This year I want to be prepared.  In previous years I would continue the pattern of coffee, sugar and white flour up until the day of the cleanse, then quit and cleanse, and spend the next three days in a coma with a headache.  This year I decided to cut out the coffee, sugar and processed white flour a week early. I am allowing myself tea, but it’s not the same.  A beautiful cup of green tea is no substitute for 40 oz of French Roast.  I find when my system is cleaned out, I feel better, my thoughts are clearer, and more productive. I have more energy.  So the plan, after the cleanse, is to stay off of those fun foods through June, so that when I am being fed onion soup for breakfast everyday (unless I can steal a bowl of oatmeal from a child) at the Summer Solstice retreat in Espanola, NM, my mind won’t drag my ass down the hill into town to the local Starbucks. What is it those Boy Scouts used to say?  Who knows what July will look like.

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