Friday, June 29, 2012

Lessons from Solstice

So what did I learn from Solstice this year?  I found that there is an overwhelming presence of love and peace that pervades the planet when we are aligned and tapped in to it.  This presence is not something that belongs to me, it is an energy that radiates and is shared.  It nurtures, it cleanses, and it challenges; yet ever so gently. It wants us to succeed.  It wraps its arms around us and cares for us, it is the Mother.  It gets us up at 3am, puts us to work, and disciplines us; it is the Father.  It encourages us.  It transforms us.  We are no longer who we thought that we were. We are who we are, a global tribe on the front lines of the Aquarian Age, warriors of the spirit, devoted and determined.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dust in the Wind

This morning I contemplate Your being, Your essence. Though we may speak thousands upon thousands of words in regards to You, You are the Word, and You are that which speaks each word.  It is in You that we dwell, for it is You that dwells, yet You dwell not.  Like the wind, Your presence is felt;  You are not seen by some, only dust blowing about.  Yet I see You, in each flower, in each smile, in each song that is sung to You, in each of You.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Out of the Desert

Sat nam.  Having returned from the Summer Solstice celebration at Guru Ram Das Puri, I am finding adjustment to be a slow process.  There is so much to process, and these feelings that I am dealing with are feelings that I have never felt before.  When I got sober, for the first year or so, I wandered around saying “I don’t know who I am” aloud, to anyone that would listen.  Today, I am wondering around saying something even stranger, and more foreign, “I know who I am”.  At least when I didn’t feel as if I knew who I was, I had people that could relate.  Please let me know that you know who you are, so I am not feeling so alone. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Into the desert

Venus retrograde came in with a bang.  She danced across the Sun as if to say, You are going to miss me as I back away from you.  And She did, and I do. The next morning I was rear ended on the 405 N.  My lane had stopped.  I glanced into the rear view mirror and saw the SUV.  He wasn’t stopping.  I started honking but it was too late. It has been a struggle since that moment. Concussion and whiplash bring on a variety of symptoms that leave one feeling tired, sore and displaced, as if my 10 bodies have been scattered about.  I have been moody, and there has been difficulty staying centered and grounded, even engaging in conversation.  While I am not playing the victim and looking for sympathy, prayers would be lovely.  We pray for each other, that is one very special way that we love and serve one another.  Tomorrow we leave for the 3HO Summer Solstice Retreat in New Mexico;  my intention it to show up and smile.  We begin with Peace Prayer day to heal the Planet.  Let us start by healing ourselves, and each other.  Sat Nam and have a blessed Solstice.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Life’s adventure is upon me today.  Though I am tired and weary I greet it with a smile and full knowledge that all is well.  We look for certainties where none exist, for they can only be found within.  Life’s broad spectrum is a gateway to freedom; everlasting, abundant.  How can I dwell on this injured frame, this trick of gravity, when love calls to me from Four Corners?  Grant me the grace to go from here into Thy will.  Allow me the patience to slip through this moment in time.  Find me courage in the face of false fear.  In chanting Thy Name is Truth, I am set free.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


How do I view the world?  This is really about perspective.  If I see the world as harsh, difficult, unforgiving, filled with sorrow and pain, what will my experience be?  If I truly believe that everyone is out to get me, how will people react to me?  Einstein said that the most important question that we can ask is, “Is the universe benevolent?” Some will argue that it is, that the Universe loves and sustains us, or love would not exist.  How can anything exist without love may be the bigger question?  Others will say that the Universe is cruel, uncaring at best, or that is ridiculous even to personify; perhaps, because the secret lies in the person personifying.  If I desire love, I must be love. I am creating my reality based upon my belief.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


To be awake is to realize that you are embodying All that Is.  God is nearer than your hands. Yet even to imply the nearness of the Divine is to imply separation, where none exists. We are Divine, and We are One.

Friday, June 1, 2012


A theme that resonated with me in class last night was talking to strangers.  Who is stranger, me, or the stranger?  Me, of course, because I love to begin conversations with people who are not expecting them, saying things that they don’t expect anyone to say to them at that moment, especially a stranger like myself.  I have been doing this since I began to converse, I believe.  Friends and family members, much to their embarrassment at the time, may attest to this. I don’t find this behavior strange at all.  Am I looking for attention?  Perhaps, I am a Leo after all.  Am I looking for connection? Absolutely. I don’t see anyone as a stranger; no one is strange to me.  You are all my friends and family.  Not only you that may glance at this blog, but all of you, especially those who I may take gently by the ears and explain, “I am gorgeous, and you are equal to me.”  Don’t be a stranger, say hello to just about everyone that you can.  We can make the whole world our neighborhood.