Friday, June 29, 2012

Lessons from Solstice

So what did I learn from Solstice this year?  I found that there is an overwhelming presence of love and peace that pervades the planet when we are aligned and tapped in to it.  This presence is not something that belongs to me, it is an energy that radiates and is shared.  It nurtures, it cleanses, and it challenges; yet ever so gently. It wants us to succeed.  It wraps its arms around us and cares for us, it is the Mother.  It gets us up at 3am, puts us to work, and disciplines us; it is the Father.  It encourages us.  It transforms us.  We are no longer who we thought that we were. We are who we are, a global tribe on the front lines of the Aquarian Age, warriors of the spirit, devoted and determined.

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