Thursday, August 9, 2012


Aug. 10, 2012

The first 3 steps are a formula for manifestation.  In the first step we are asking.  We are asking for help. In being honest with ourselves, and admitting that we have a problem that is seemingly insurmountable, we are asking Someone, Something, Somewhere, for help.  Anytime that we want to manifest anything, we must be clear about what it is that we want; and then we ask for it.  Now the second step is very important, because we must believe that Someone, Something, Somewhere will be able to help us manifest what it is that we want, especially if we know in our heart that it is what is best for us.  Is the Universe benevolent? Does Source really want to provide for you?  Of course She does.  Then let Her! The third step is crucial.  One reason that our desires often do not come to fruition is because we have not worked a proper third step, turning it over…letting go.  When we let it go, let go of the attachment to the outcome, we put it in the hands of our higher power to make it happen.  If we are not doing this, we are muddling the affair by getting in the way, and delaying the manifestation.  All that we truly desire is waiting for us, all we have to do is ask, believe, and let go (and let God).

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