The story of Passover and Good Friday are stories of sacrifice. Each of us sacrifice one way of living if we are to be reborn into another way of life, and often that includes some struggle, some time spent in the desert. When I was a slave to my obsessions, my higher Power continually sent plagues upon me, wake up calls, that got louder, and more frightening, each time they came around; still I would not heed them. Frogs, locusts and burning hail became sickness, loss and nights in jail. Even at the frightening near loss of my children I could not stop this obstinate and baffling behavior. It is because I had to die to who I was. I spent the first year clean telling people that I did not know who I was, because I no longer was who I was; I had to be reborn. I journeyed through the steps to learn who I was, who my Higher Power, that which I call God, was. I tried my best to resolve and repair my wrongs, and to live in such a way that these wrongs would be amended. I prayed and meditated. I gave my life to others. For me today is a special celebration of the loss of that life; that me that I thought was me, so that I could be reborn into the I am.
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