Thursday, July 26, 2012


Just be grateful for this breath, for this breath is a gift.  Each of us has asked in times of abandonment and sorrow, “Why was I born?”  Each of us has asked in times of wonder and amazement “Why was I born?”  Slowly take in this next breath, though your nose, filling your lungs, allowing your stomach to swell.  What is this life?  It is a gift from the breath.  What is this breath?  It is sustenance, it is spirit, it is love.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


The ego thinks it is god, Spirit knows that We are God.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


If you are not grateful for what you have, why would you want more?

Monday, July 23, 2012

No Holes In This Donut

It all comes down to this.  We all have this longing inside of us that calls out for fulfillment, and we are continually sidetracked with the belief that there is something missing in our lives.  The mind reaches out for that which we believe that we do not presently have.  Whether it is that relationship, that financial gain, that mind altering “medicine”, that thing, that place, or that donut; but we cannot put a band aid on our heart  and expect it to fix that hole, or the whole.  When the mind says “Donut”! the soul is crying “God!”

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Have faith in faith.  Trust trust. Love love.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Moon

May today’s new moon warm your belly as you breathe a sigh of relief, as you realize that you are going to be ok, that you are not alone in your thoughts, feelings and dreams. May She nurture you and protect you, love and adore you, wrap you in a warm blanket of divine light, feed you with her bounty and encouragement. May She speak softly in your ear, reminding you that it is not too late to learn what love can truly be. Reaching out to those that you love and care for, whether you are male or female, with children by birth or circumstance, be a Mother to all.  We are all God’s children, so reflect that love, as the moon reflects the life of the sun, unto all.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


What is this insistent longing in my soul that cries out for you, when, yet, it is but You that satisfies my soul.  I look for another, and yet, there is no other but You.  Alone in a desert there is You.  Each face in the crowd, every phrase uttered aloud, longing for You.  And here You are, and here You are, and here You are, You are here.  Am I sleeping?  Am I blind?  I am lost when not chanting your name.  I am in fear when I forget.  I face false realities.  Let them fall from me, until You is all that I see.  For You is all I can be.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


You don’t have to be canonized to become a saint.  I know many saints, some of whom were born saints; others were sinners who have turned it around.  Christ came to work with those that were troubled and in need of healing.  When you have been healed by Christ, sainthood is probably just a matter of time.  Being a saint is not something meant for a select few, it is our destiny.  Each and everyone one of us will become a saint.  It may not happen in this lifetime, I grant you… but why not.  Why shouldn’t we devote our lives to sainthood?  It would mean putting God first, at the forefront of our existence.  It would mean being of selfless service to others, by seeing God in every set of eyes and devoting ourselves to uplift all so that they may see God in themselves. It would mean loving unconditionally.  It would mean setting asides prejudices and judgments.  It would mean being grateful and content.  I may not be quite there, but this is my prayer.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Last evening at the men’s meeting the theme of the discussion turned to the nature of good and evil.  As several people mentioned that evil was a very real force in this world, I noticed fear creeping into the ambiance of the room. Subjects ranging from Hitler, predators and exorcisms became the topics for discussion.  We all know stories to this effect.  We know people, or people who know people, who have had horrible tragedies in their lives that can only be explained as the result of pure evil.  If we turn the word around what do we find?  If we live in fear, who, or what wins?  It is in our courage, it is in our faith and our trust, that we must live each day.  If life is a manifestation of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, it is our responsibility to focus on what is good, loving and supportive.  When we bring fear into the room, into our hearts, we may be setting the stage for a nightmare.  God will give us nothing that we are not able to learn from, grow through, and conquer; even our greatest fears.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


We are infinite, you and I.  We are boundless beings brought forth to love and serve one another until we realize that we are loving and serving ourselves in doing so, all the while, loving and serving God, which is all that we are, one in God.  Living in the delusion of duality and separation, the ego will not grasp this concept, as it has no bearing on its needs, which is to survive and conquer.  Pay it no mind. Through your daily spiritual practice, develop the instincts of Universal Consciousness.  Meditate on So Hung as you inhale and exhale. Infinity, I am Thou.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


The fireworks were too much for Sandi, my elderly German Shepard, last night.  When I returned home and the garage door opened, she walked out, as she generally does, to sniff around the alley; but last night she just continued to hobble down the alley and didn’t stop.  She just kept on going She was medicated and disoriented; was she was just fed up?  Maybe she needed to see what the racket was all about.  Ariel, my son, went looking for her, and finally found her in front of the house; maybe just needed a walk around the block, maybe she wanted an adventure. I am glad that she decided to find her way back home. I missed her. Yesterday I said goodbye to Amar Rattan and Amrit Preet. Sigh…

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mind the Heart

The mind cannot fix the mind; that is the job of the heart.

Monday, July 2, 2012


I no longer want what God does not want for me.  I have been coerced, fed lies and slander; I have bought into tragedy, sickness, dishonesty, all of my own doing. I have hurt all those that I love. I claimed the higher moral ground while digging my grave. I looked into the eyes of someone that I hurt terribly.  I have cried in pain and in fear. I no longer want what God does not want for me.  I have been crippled and cursed.  I have been a criminal.  I have coveted, coerced and worse.  I have had expectations.  I have been disappointed. I no longer want what God does not want for me.  I have loved and lost, repeatedly.  I have given while taking.  I have begged while breaking.  I have stood at the seashore and wanted more. I no longer want what God does not want for me.