You don’t have to be canonized to become a saint. I know many saints, some of whom were born saints;
others were sinners who have turned it around.
Christ came to work with those that were troubled and in need of
healing. When you have been healed by
Christ, sainthood is probably just a matter of time. Being a saint is not something meant for a
select few, it is our destiny. Each and
everyone one of us will become a saint.
It may not happen in this lifetime, I grant you… but why not. Why shouldn’t we devote our lives to
sainthood? It would mean putting God
first, at the forefront of our existence.
It would mean being of selfless service to others, by seeing God in every
set of eyes and devoting ourselves to uplift all so that they may see God in themselves.
It would mean loving unconditionally. It
would mean setting asides prejudices and judgments. It would mean being grateful and
content. I may not be quite there, but
this is my prayer.
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