Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Last evening at the men’s meeting the theme of the discussion turned to the nature of good and evil.  As several people mentioned that evil was a very real force in this world, I noticed fear creeping into the ambiance of the room. Subjects ranging from Hitler, predators and exorcisms became the topics for discussion.  We all know stories to this effect.  We know people, or people who know people, who have had horrible tragedies in their lives that can only be explained as the result of pure evil.  If we turn the word around what do we find?  If we live in fear, who, or what wins?  It is in our courage, it is in our faith and our trust, that we must live each day.  If life is a manifestation of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, it is our responsibility to focus on what is good, loving and supportive.  When we bring fear into the room, into our hearts, we may be setting the stage for a nightmare.  God will give us nothing that we are not able to learn from, grow through, and conquer; even our greatest fears.

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