When Gandhi and his family were leaving South Africa to return to and begin his public work in India, after being a leader for Indian civil rights in South Africa, his friends, supporters, clients and constituents gave him lavish gifts to thank him for his public service. This troubled him. He was up all night feeling guilty about the jewels and trophies that were bestowed upon him. He told his family that he wanted to return the goods to the Indians in South Africa in a trust so that they could use the funds to further their cause. His wife was very upset. The beautiful gilt might be used for their children’s weddings, their education, and didn’t she deserve something for all of the hard work that she had done, raising the family and keeping the household together while he was away performing this work? He understood how she felt, but was firm about not accepting anything of monetary value for being of service to the community. The decision to be of service without any thought for recompense is what gained India its freedom. How much different would our world be if our public leaders were not able to benefit financially from their decisions? This is also what gives us our freedom each day from our troubles and addictions, when we reach out our hands to others, we are freed from our attachments and obsessions.
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