Monday, January 9, 2012

Saucha: Purity

Having looked into the five jewels of the Yamas, we now begin the Niyamas as taught by Pantanjali. The Yamas are designed to aid us in our dealings with in the world, the Niyamas in our dealing with ourselves.  The first jewel is Saucha: purity. Our yogic practice helps us to become more pure in our physicality, and in our physical space, in our hearts, our minds, and in spirit.  Health is our natural state of physical being, and taking care of ourselves is our responsibilities as human beings.  Life is an amazing gift, you wanted it (whether you know it or not), wouldn’t it be best to appreciate it?  Most all of us do not want to be sick, but yet so many of us we eat poorly, don’t strengthen our bodies through exercise, don’t drink enough water, work so hard, play too hard, abuse ourselves with drugs and alcohol, including prescribed pharmaceuticals, isolate, watch entirely too much TV, don’t turn to our higher power, let alone meditate to clean out the mind.  Quality of life is so important. What can I do to improve my quality of life today?

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