Thursday, January 5, 2012

Aparigraha: nonpossessiveness 4

I believe that this is an appropriate place and time to plug my friend Brooks Palmer, the Clutterbuster.  Brooks provides a spiritual service.  He works with people to remove “clutter” from their lives.  Clutter is not necessarily just the pile of papers on the desk, the clothes in the closet that never get worn, the toys the kids no longer play with.  Clutter takes up space in our emotional body, which can be ruinous. Perhaps I am attached to an object that carries with it a memory.  I believe that I am supposed to keep this object, perhaps even display it, though it can do considerable damage just hiding under the bed.  This object, be it a letter, a photo, a stuffed animal, whatever, is keeping me attached to pain.  I may not even recognize the pain, but Brooks sees the pain.  He works intuitively, with patience, kindness and compassion to help remove objects, memories and fears that weight us down.  Try throwing something away today.  Let go of the attachment that is no longer serving you, see how much better, how much lighter, which you feel.  Brooks Palmer has written the definitive book, Clutter busting: Letting Go of What is Holding You Back, and is available for personal consultation.

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