Thursday, March 15, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 30

We all have our crosses to bare.  The cross is a structure of right angles, which, in astrology, represents a challenge.  It is two opposing forces coming together to create a structure, one aligning horizontally, and one vertically.  One plane defines the earthly horizon, one the journey from the ground to the heavens; and that is so much of the struggle, to do that which keeps us earthbound, or that which elevates us into the more spiritual dimensions.  When I was drinking and smoking pot, I was actually seeking a spiritual solution to my earthly problems.  I felt as if I were closer to God, the higher I got.  They don’t call them spirits for nothing.  In getting loaded I was running away from my responsibilities to myself, my family, my work, etc.  Every time I lit a joint I was communing with the divine, Jah Rastafari.  Nothing wrong with that, but I was doing it alcoholically, everyday all day.  The spiritual solution that I embrace today, prayer, yoga, meditation and praise keeps me grounded, yet God centered.  It is truly the best of both worlds.  I am able to take care of myself, my family, my work and my life, quite well, mind you, and being just totally blissed out, at times.  When there are problems to overcome, I seek out the solutions, and they come, in time; I don’t stress over how that is going to look, because you see, it’s all in God’s hands.  I am just here to do that which is set before me, like Casey Kasem always says at the end of his broadcast "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."

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