As I walk with God I learn patience, trust, honor and dignity. I see that where I have been is not where I am at. The path is not the present. Footsteps in the sand; walking with God, being carried by God… when I walk alone, I am afraid, and I try and protect myself. I do it by carrying a large load. When I walk alone, I believe that I need more than I really do, more money, more food, power, sex, on and on it goes, as if I am deprived, and I become depraved. When I am with God, all that I have is all that I need. My higher power knows my needs, which are simple, healthy and pure; and She provides. My wants and desires can certainly get out of hand, and I can become like a two year old wanting more, taking toys away from the other kids, ending up alone in the sandbox. As I walk with God there is no need for excess, I look around, what a beautiful and bountiful world we live in, it belongs to all of us. We can take what we need, and leave others the rest.