Friday, December 9, 2011

Ahimsa: nonviolence: 3

If I am to practice non-violence, how can I eat meat?  I don’t have the teeth for it, nor is my digestive system built for it. I have found plenty of delicious protein substitutes, I am not craving it.  It actually is nice, not craving blood.  When I eat death, and violence, it eats me.  What is cancer?  An eating away of life.  There are plenty wonderful articles, books, documentaries and organizations that support the vegetarian cause, I don’t need to write another one, but if I am going to practice Ahimsa as a way of life, I must understand the if I am participating in violence after the fact, I am a part of the cause, the problem, and I am dedicating my life to being a part of the solution.  I often want it both ways, but it doesn’t work like that.

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