Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Asteya: nonstealing 4

Why have I felt the need to steal, to take something that rightfully belongs to someone or something else?  There is that fear again, false evidence appearing real. Fear that there is not enough for each of us, that my higher power, whom I will call God, does not provide for me.  The evidence is certainly to the contrary. I have been given all that I need, and then some. I actually am given the gift of what I want occasionally, whether it is in my own best interest or not;  whether it is in the best interest in my community, and the world that I live in, or not.  I am given breath, the greatest gift imaginable, the gift of life.  Why would I want to take and take and hoard and steal?  Because I do not think that God is enough.  Today let live me in faith, trust, and the experience of infinite security that is God realization.

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