Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Asteya: nonstealing 3

We all know the stories of ancient tribes that would enter into village after village, and rape, pillage and plunder when the hunting became in short supply.  This behavior is a part of our genetic code, and has been passed on from generation to the next several hundred generations.  Countries invading countries, indigenous peoples slaughtered in genocide, people taken into slavery, holocaust.  It seems to have always been happening, although I am certain that there were peoples, places and times when it did not, when peoples did not feel the necessity to live in greed, fear and disharmony; when respect for all that is prevailed.  We are seeking to love and nurture our planet, our resources and all of its inhabitants in our brief visit here.  We want to build a community of caring and sharing.  Not everyone is going to be able to remove themselves from the greed that springs forth from fear.  I pray that today I will be able to do just that.

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