Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 20

How could God let this happen to me?  How could God have let this happen to her?  How could God have let this happen to his people?  There are many theories, but we don’t know.  We do know that there is love in the world, and that love seems to be the answer to most questions.  Perhaps we are built for love, and when love is not a part of the equation, things begin to go wrong, perhaps terribly wrong.  Sometimes it seems as if we can make the choice to choose love, other times it seems we have no choice but to feel the way that we do about a person, people or situations, but invariably, if we are to evolve, we have to find that willingness, the discipline, the strength to dwell in love.  It is possible, it is contagious, and it is inevitable.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 19

In the parable of the mustard seed, Christ was trying to describe the kingdom of God.  He did not say that the kingdom of God was like this great resort that you go to in Syria where you are catered to and lavished without a care in the world; where all of your friends are, big buffet, entertainment, the works.  No, it was described as a tiny seed that grows into a large, beautiful and powerful plant that provides shelter and nutrition for those that want it.  The kingdom of God is our faith, that is where it abides; our faith that we can provide for ourselves and for others, faith that we will grow mightily, and be nurtured with rich soil, water and sunlight, all of God’s blessings. Having faith knows where our blessings stem from. Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and everything else will be provided.  Find that tiny germ of faith within you, and nurture it into the mighty being that you are.  That is the kingdom of heaven.  You are the kingdom of heaven, it is not a place that you go, it is the being that you are.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 18

One of the first things that we learn to explore in recovery is gratitude.  We make gratitude lists, we take the time to sit down each day and write down all of the people, places and things that we are grateful for, the things that we love, and over time, we begin to appreciate our own lives and perhaps even cease to compare our lives longingly to others.  We come to understand that even the harshest events in our lives were purposeful on some level, in order that we may learn what we need to learn to become exactly who we are.  I hung out with Brad Pitt many years ago when we were on the set of a Patrick Dempsey film.  We sat in his dressing room and smoked his cigarettes; he could afford the cigarettes because he had a couple of line in the film.  He was young and raw, with a leather jacket and a motorcycle; he didn’t have much else, including cares.  He was pretty cool, but did I want his life?  Absolutely not. Look at him today, my lord.  Would I trade lives with him today?  Not in a million years.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 16

I have the right to forgive or not to forgive.  I can base this right on many things, including whether or not I have been apologized to, how badly I feel as if I have been hurt, how wrongly my morals have been violated, etc.  Perhaps I can forgive a friend that I feel has betrayed me, but not a parent who did not know how to love the way that I saw fit. Have I forgiven the church that hid child abuse, the government that sides with corporations over the common woman and man, the lover that spurned me?  It is up to me to decide.  For me it is really about what is happening in my heart.  I have to decide if I am willing to carry around the anger, hatred and fear that goes along with unforgiveness.  If I am carrying resentment towards a person, place or thing, then I am carrying a heavy burden.  As we say in program, it is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person will die.  This resentment can be deadly; it can eat away at me like cancer, or cause me to go back to drinking and drugging. If I am carrying around anger is can affect my life, my work, and especially my relationships.  Never mind that fact that I may not be looking at the overall picture of the incident, and seeing my part in the affair. So I have to ask myself, is this thing really too big for me to forgive?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 16

I used to have a lot of dreams at night involving college, I was always in school, being late for classes, passing or failing tests, interacting with others.  Then it dawned on me that life was a university, filled with fellow students, teachers, lessons and tests.  That is why we are here, I came to understand, to grow and to learn.  There was always going to be something to learn, and if I chose to forgo the lesson presented to me, I would have to retake that class, again and again, until I learned the lesson and passed.  Every time that I had to go back and repeat that class, it entailed suffering.  Perhaps the lesson was to let go of the suffering itself, brought on by attachment and expectations.  There are truly horrible things that happen to us in this life, and I can’t say what exactly the lesson is for you, but just as we can become attached to an expectation or outcome, we can become attached to the suffering.  We truly do not know what God’s will for us is, yet we get down on our knees, and surrender our lives to Her will.  We give ourselves completely to His loving mercy and care.  We suffer what we must, learn the lesson, and move on.  And the lesson is always about faith, trust and love.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 15

My father would get angry; he would yell, say cruel things to my mother, and was physically abusive to my mother and myself.  I channeled that anger and was abusive towards my sister as a child.  I would hit her and could be cruel.  Perhaps I felt that he favored my sister, and I resented her for that.  I was paying the rage forward.  I know today that his behavior was his own resentments and brokenness coming out through alcohol enraged insanity.  It was the drunk, or the morning after, that would lead to so much of the abuse. As an alcoholic parent myself, I loved my family as much as I possibly could, but there were fits of anger, yelling, spanking, fighting… explosions of rage that I could not even recognize or comprehend in retrospect. I even took some anger management classes, all the while believing that my anger could be managed, even when my drinking and drug abuse could not.  Once I got sober, the anger did not go away.  I spend much of my first year of sobriety feeling all sorts of feelings, feelings that I had tried desperately to bury for so many years, and now here they were, coming up to the surface, like a wound without a scab.  I remember spending my first sober Christmas Eve alone at Damiano’s because I resented my mother and was angry at my oldest son, after getting into a shoving match with him, for wanting to go to his friend’s house, and who could blame him?  Slowly, over time, the anger began to subside.  In dealing with my father during his declining years, I dealt with the anger towards him to the best of my newfound ability in sobriety, and was there for him, sometimes, when I could manage it. I grew patience, love and understanding towards him.  When he passed, we were good. Through my daily practice of prayer, meditation and yoga, I have found a peace within myself that surpasses my understanding.  There is a joyful presence in me that is not looking through the eyes of resentment, victimhood and regret.  I have let go.  I have surrendered.  I am at peace.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 14

Anger arises out of hurt, fear and confusion.  It is heat exploding that needs to be released.  It is driven and wants to be expressed.  It is boisterous, and can be effective.  It can effectively ruin relationships if not addressed.  It can create turmoil, and clear the air.  It can grow hair.  It might never go away, or stay less than today.  It can spoil a moment for no good reason, or be seen as treason.  It may be misdirected, misused or misjudged.  Or it may just get us out of bed after lingering depression.  It may come from suppression. Most of the time it is just a lack of communication.  Have I told you that I love you today?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 13

My God speaks to me in the gentle wind.  She nurtures me, takes the time to tell me that I am wanted, needed and loved.  She asks me questions that only I can answer; because She created me, She knows what I know, and what I need to know.  She is kind and patient with me.  She follows my struggles and allows me to work them out in my time, not in Hers; for She has no time. I created time so that I may find her, so that I may know her once again.  I remember calling Her name before I was born, once I was born, and now.  She blesses me with abundance, for it is Hers to give.  My heart blossoms in Her presence.  My mind aches with worry when I forget.  She takes care of me, She blesses me, She calls my name and sets me to task. I am Her slave, Her servant, Her son.

Coming Down the Mountain 12

Soon I will be leaving to speak to 30 women or more at the women’s correctional facility in Lynwood.  I don't ask them why they are there, but sometimes they want to talk about it.  There are so many laws on the books.  This country has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world's prisoners.  Most of these women are locked up for prostitution and drug use, and I won't go into the wrongfulness and uselessness behind this, in my mind it is implied.  There are women that are locked up for threatening or acting in a violent manner against the men in their lives, and in many cases it is a crime that these woman are the one's suffering for their men's behavior.  When I ask them if they would be in their predicament if drugs and alcohol were not an issue, very few of them would respond in an affirmative manner; that is why I go to them, to help show them a way out.  Sin is not an act against God, it is an act against ourselves and our human family.  I remind them that they may not be wrong, but they may be suffering, and that they can't get out of their prison alone.  It takes an act of courage; it takes an act of love, to ask for help, I can't make them want to recover and transform their lives.  It also takes acts of courage and love to offer help; that is something that each of us can to, to transform our own lives, while helping others.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 11

Yesterday was my natal opposite birthday, is what I shall call it.  Astrologically, it is when the Sun is furthest away in my chart from where it was when I was born.  The sun was at 27’ Leo when I came into this world; yesterday it hit 27’ Aquarius. For me this is a time when I am furthest from my home, my comfort zone.  I felt out of sorts all week.  Emotionally I just wanted to cry, and for no good reason, things are going so beautifully, all my dreams are coming true, each wish is being granted, and yet I have been a bit of a basket case. What is really surprising is that no one would know unless I told them.  My demeanor has been somewhat fragile, but sweet and consistent.  I have been walking through each task before me, and getting things done.  I have been suiting up and showing up, for my work, my friends, family and loved ones, and for myself.  I have not let these feelings get in the way of the facts that God is with me, that I have plenty to do, and that I can find joy in doing them.  Sometime we have to act as if, fake it till we make it, trust that God has our back, and move forward with our life.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 10

Today I am called upon to look at the prejudice that I carry in my heart.  Not just contempt prior to investigation, which allows me to lazily pass judgment on people, places and things that perhaps I would like if I were not so lazy, but these people, causes or institutions that I believe I have investigated and found to be contemptible.  Even though I profess to love people of each nationality, and I do, I have stereotyped others, either in a joking manner, or in a very real accusation, in a manner that condemns. ( I am often harshest to the category of white males.)  Ever since reading the Mars/Venus books I like to look at women from one point of view and men from another.  Before I got sober, to say that I feared and disliked police people would be an understatement;  now that I work with them I have found them to be cool, kind, and loving, at least to me.  Perhaps this is because of their views of me, seeing me as a volunteer rather than a perpetrator can certainly change our interaction.  The fact is that they are people, with a job to do, with good days and bad days; yet I will then judge them for choosing the job that they have.  I am a liberal, so the enemy is the conservative?  That was exhausting.  My father and I spent years arguing violently about politics.  It was during the Bush v Gore, I want to say fiasco, but in the spirit of this column I will say election, that I laid down my guns and just stopped.  I told him that I was done, that I would never mention politics to him again.  For the most part that is what happened, and we got to spend our last ten years together talking about sports, and even though he liked the hated Giants, and I liked the Dodgers, we were able to enjoy these conversations, and each other.  When I feel myself separate from anyone or anything I am separating myself from God, and from love.  It is time for me to open myself up to the broader picture, God is either everything, or God is nothing.  I know that is a tough pill to swallow, but what else is there?

Coming Down the Mountain 9

I longed for You
Yet Always
You Were Here

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 8

I like long, slow praying, praying that takes time; prayer that takes the place of time. I enjoying praying, meditating, chanting, yoga-ing, reading sacred scripture, and then praying some more.  Sometimes I pray for myself.  I have heard that we ought to pray only for knowledge of God’s will for us, and ask for the power to fulfill God’s will.  I love the Lord’s Prayer, it just feels perfect, if only it addressed our Father & Mother. I come into my own chanting the Mul Mantra.  I pray the rosary.  I adore Jewish prayer, Muslim prayer, Buddhist prayer, Hindi prayer, Wiccan and probably the ones that I haven’t prayed. I know that God speaks all of these languages. I pray for my needs, I pray for your needs, I pray for our needs. Sometimes I am not praying.  Always I am always praying.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 7

As a child I was mortified, so fearful. I lived in a fantasy world, in movies, TV and comic books, to escape the reality that seemed so random and harsh.  I was in awe of adults, and their abilities, but not in a healthy way; I kept a distance from them and distrusted authority; perhaps because I saw a lot of belligerence, anger and some violence in my home.  I didn't trust most of the other kids, fearful of their cruelty, and they could smell it on me, the fear, like a cat smells a rat, and tortured me in return.  When I began drinking and smoking weed, all of these fears vanished, were vanquished, and I began to really enjoy and like who I was, and what I wanted to do.  Soon though, it became all about getting loaded, and the dreams fell to the wayside, and the fear returned, the fantasy world of drugs and alcohol took over, and once again I was lost in a cruel and lonely world, of my own making.  In sobriety my perception of the world changed.  I learned that people could change; I learned that I could change, that I continue to change, for the better, if I continue on this path that I have been so graced with. I remember the suffering because I want to recognize it, and when I do, to try and lend a hand to pull someone else out of the quicksand that was suffocating me. I cannot heal unless I heal.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 6

Several years ago I was realizing that I needed to take on some extra income if I was going to get out of this tiny house in Venice and put my kids through college.  A friend gave me a book to read about under earning which proved to be helpful.  In this book there was an exercise to brainstorm, writing down 100 different ways that I could make money, without judgment, just to let go, stream of conscious, until the 100 was complete, so whatever came into my head went down on paper.  Some of these ideas were obviously not God’s will for me, like robbing the local bank, but they came to mind, and I wrote them down.  Then the process of elimination began, and I started halving the list until I got down to one item, to start a theatrical film distribution company.  The answer was so obvious, based on what I had already been doing, and the path my life had been following up until that point.  As soon as I began, and walked through the fear that comes up whenever we put ourselves out there, things started falling into place to make the company a small success.  I was getting green lights where ever I turned.  There are other times that I try something, and it just doesn’t feel right; as much as I want to make it work, I keep getting red lights, and finally realize that this just isn’t coming together for a reason, and I move on.  Then there are those yellow light, letting me know that staying on course is fine, as long as I am patient, take my time to gather all that I need for my journey, and proceed with guidance. My life is unfolding in a beautiful way as I leave myself open to the amazing opportunities, and valuable lessons, that lay before me.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 5

They say that we cannot see God, but we can, for everything that we see is God, it is all God, and we are one in God.  It is the people in my life that I truly most recognize God.  Some see God in the ocean, in the mountains, in their favorite pet; yet people, who are said to be created in the image of God, people, the most complicated and biologically useless beings in creation, are my direct line to God.  I love people so much, my family, my friends, the people that I meet once, and the people that I meet every day.  I sit back in wonder just looking at my friends.  I soak them in, my heart fills with joy and love.  Sometime I just can’t believe that these beautiful people are standing before me, smiling at me, sharing with me, loving me, the way that only God can love.  I do see God, am with God, I experience God when I am with you.  I love you so much.  Thank you for allowing me to experience God’s grace through you.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 4

I don’t recall Christ ever saying “I am the Lord your God, worship me.” What I heard was, “Follow me, be like me, do these things and you will find peace and happiness.”  He would not have asked us to do the things that he did if they were impossible, something that only God could do.  He said that we could do everything that he did, and then some.  I wonder if people look at the Christ and say “Oh, well He was God incarnate, so obviously he was able to help and heal others, care for the poor and the sick, uplift humanity, teach us a better way to live; but me, I am just a human, these things that He did cannot be expected of me.”  But they are expected of us, each one of us, not just the saints, the social workers and the clergy, but all of us, if we are to be happy, holy and free, as Christ intended for us to be.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 3

You are my mirror.  You are my reflection.  What I see in you I am seeing in me.  What I see in you comes through me.  If I am mistreating you, I am mistreating myself.  If I am mistreated by you, I am mistreating myself.  If I am afraid of you, I am living in fear.  If I snap at you, I have snapped.  If I judge you, I am judged.  If I do not love you, I do not love myself. It does not matter who you are, you are me.  If I don’t see God in all, I don’t see God at all.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 2

  A radical transformation is happening in my life and in the lives of people that I know.  To some it may seem subtle, as it does at times, yet for most people that I have spoken with the changes are quite obvious and powerful.  We seem to be growing closer to Source; our relationship with the ever abiding, benevolent Energy that creates maintains and regenerates has become more natural, and denying its presence feels more uncomfortable.  We are learning to love ourselves unconditionally, and not measuring ourselves by our relationship to people, places and things. We know that these other people, places and things are not something that can or will fix us.  We are learning to abide in pure love, and to hold our relationship to people, places and things in that purity.  We are learning to love others, not because we need to, but because we want to.  We are becoming more tolerant. We are reaching out in service, because it fills us with joy and pleasure.  We are coming to understand why we are here, and what we are about.  We are creating heaven on earth.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 1

I have heard that prayer is talking to God and that meditation is listening to God, but it’s not like I hear the small still voice of Spirit when I am waiting and expecting it, it is not like a conversation, asking a question and then getting an immediate response.  The answers come, perhaps, when my being is most ready to receive them, when I am receptive, quiet and calm.  Most often, I believe, I hear what I am supposed to hear in conversations with others.  When more than one person tells me the same thing, I can often be sure that the Universe is talking to me.  I can hear God in a random smile.  I can see God in the face of a stranger in pain.  I can smell God in a flower, or garlic cooked with love.  I can taste God in the water that I drink.  I can feel God in the air that I breathe.  I can bathe in God’s love and wonderment listening to a symphony. I can experience God through a child.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Solar Flares

Infinite grace abounds in our presence. We can access powers beyond our wildest dreams that have lied dormant. We are interlocked, one being actually, solar flares that spit out and are sucked back into their source. We are light travelers. We are a united force of love.  Our joy is our being.  Our mission is to uplift.  We are servants of truth. We are awakening. We are so much more than we know, just know that.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Santosha: Contentment 7

There are things about my life that I really enjoy, I want them to last.  Often times they are gone the following day.  And it really does not matter how much time that I spent planning for them, praying for them, thinking about it, it’s just gone.  Perhaps just because I am over it, yet I spent so much time dwelling on it, obsessing over it even. I so wanted to keep it, hold on to it; but it was like holding on to water, and I wonder, was I even able to enjoy it while I had it to enjoy, because I wanted to keep it that same way forever?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Santosha: Contentment 6

The real trick for staying centered and content has been, and shall be, Sadhana, my daily spiritual practice.  We are encouraged in program to seek through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with our Higher Power, praying only for knowledge of Her will for us, and the power to carry that out.  If there is anything that I might possibly know about my Higher Power’s will for me, it is a daily spiritual practice.  Through prayer, yoga and meditation, I meet each moment.  I may not always be perfectly content in each moment, but I am able to get back to center, usually sooner rather than later.  Yesterday I was in a splendid mood leaving for work, my youngest son in tow on the way to his dentist appointment.  As I approached the truck I noticed the mirror had been destroyed on the driver side.  This would be the third time. “Sh!T” and a few other choice and angry words came barreling out of my mouth.  A few moments later I was on the phone to the mechanic asking him to order yet another mirror, I chided myself for forgetting to fold the mirror in, chalked it up to another karmic adventure, and was back at center; content and grateful for another beautiful day.  For me, that is growth that can be measured, and it is lasting happiness. I can point to my morning practice and know that I, no longer the victim, know how to affect my day.