Friday, February 17, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 11

Yesterday was my natal opposite birthday, is what I shall call it.  Astrologically, it is when the Sun is furthest away in my chart from where it was when I was born.  The sun was at 27’ Leo when I came into this world; yesterday it hit 27’ Aquarius. For me this is a time when I am furthest from my home, my comfort zone.  I felt out of sorts all week.  Emotionally I just wanted to cry, and for no good reason, things are going so beautifully, all my dreams are coming true, each wish is being granted, and yet I have been a bit of a basket case. What is really surprising is that no one would know unless I told them.  My demeanor has been somewhat fragile, but sweet and consistent.  I have been walking through each task before me, and getting things done.  I have been suiting up and showing up, for my work, my friends, family and loved ones, and for myself.  I have not let these feelings get in the way of the facts that God is with me, that I have plenty to do, and that I can find joy in doing them.  Sometime we have to act as if, fake it till we make it, trust that God has our back, and move forward with our life.

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