Monday, February 13, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 6

Several years ago I was realizing that I needed to take on some extra income if I was going to get out of this tiny house in Venice and put my kids through college.  A friend gave me a book to read about under earning which proved to be helpful.  In this book there was an exercise to brainstorm, writing down 100 different ways that I could make money, without judgment, just to let go, stream of conscious, until the 100 was complete, so whatever came into my head went down on paper.  Some of these ideas were obviously not God’s will for me, like robbing the local bank, but they came to mind, and I wrote them down.  Then the process of elimination began, and I started halving the list until I got down to one item, to start a theatrical film distribution company.  The answer was so obvious, based on what I had already been doing, and the path my life had been following up until that point.  As soon as I began, and walked through the fear that comes up whenever we put ourselves out there, things started falling into place to make the company a small success.  I was getting green lights where ever I turned.  There are other times that I try something, and it just doesn’t feel right; as much as I want to make it work, I keep getting red lights, and finally realize that this just isn’t coming together for a reason, and I move on.  Then there are those yellow light, letting me know that staying on course is fine, as long as I am patient, take my time to gather all that I need for my journey, and proceed with guidance. My life is unfolding in a beautiful way as I leave myself open to the amazing opportunities, and valuable lessons, that lay before me.

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