Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 20

How could God let this happen to me?  How could God have let this happen to her?  How could God have let this happen to his people?  There are many theories, but we don’t know.  We do know that there is love in the world, and that love seems to be the answer to most questions.  Perhaps we are built for love, and when love is not a part of the equation, things begin to go wrong, perhaps terribly wrong.  Sometimes it seems as if we can make the choice to choose love, other times it seems we have no choice but to feel the way that we do about a person, people or situations, but invariably, if we are to evolve, we have to find that willingness, the discipline, the strength to dwell in love.  It is possible, it is contagious, and it is inevitable.

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