Friday, February 24, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 16

I have the right to forgive or not to forgive.  I can base this right on many things, including whether or not I have been apologized to, how badly I feel as if I have been hurt, how wrongly my morals have been violated, etc.  Perhaps I can forgive a friend that I feel has betrayed me, but not a parent who did not know how to love the way that I saw fit. Have I forgiven the church that hid child abuse, the government that sides with corporations over the common woman and man, the lover that spurned me?  It is up to me to decide.  For me it is really about what is happening in my heart.  I have to decide if I am willing to carry around the anger, hatred and fear that goes along with unforgiveness.  If I am carrying resentment towards a person, place or thing, then I am carrying a heavy burden.  As we say in program, it is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person will die.  This resentment can be deadly; it can eat away at me like cancer, or cause me to go back to drinking and drugging. If I am carrying around anger is can affect my life, my work, and especially my relationships.  Never mind that fact that I may not be looking at the overall picture of the incident, and seeing my part in the affair. So I have to ask myself, is this thing really too big for me to forgive?

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