The real trick for staying centered and content has been, and shall be, Sadhana, my daily spiritual practice. We are encouraged in program to seek through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with our Higher Power, praying only for knowledge of Her will for us, and the power to carry that out. If there is anything that I might possibly know about my Higher Power’s will for me, it is a daily spiritual practice. Through prayer, yoga and meditation, I meet each moment. I may not always be perfectly content in each moment, but I am able to get back to center, usually sooner rather than later. Yesterday I was in a splendid mood leaving for work, my youngest son in tow on the way to his dentist appointment. As I approached the truck I noticed the mirror had been destroyed on the driver side. This would be the third time. “Sh!T” and a few other choice and angry words came barreling out of my mouth. A few moments later I was on the phone to the mechanic asking him to order yet another mirror, I chided myself for forgetting to fold the mirror in, chalked it up to another karmic adventure, and was back at center; content and grateful for another beautiful day. For me, that is growth that can be measured, and it is lasting happiness. I can point to my morning practice and know that I, no longer the victim, know how to affect my day.
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