Thursday, February 23, 2012

Coming Down the Mountain 16

I used to have a lot of dreams at night involving college, I was always in school, being late for classes, passing or failing tests, interacting with others.  Then it dawned on me that life was a university, filled with fellow students, teachers, lessons and tests.  That is why we are here, I came to understand, to grow and to learn.  There was always going to be something to learn, and if I chose to forgo the lesson presented to me, I would have to retake that class, again and again, until I learned the lesson and passed.  Every time that I had to go back and repeat that class, it entailed suffering.  Perhaps the lesson was to let go of the suffering itself, brought on by attachment and expectations.  There are truly horrible things that happen to us in this life, and I can’t say what exactly the lesson is for you, but just as we can become attached to an expectation or outcome, we can become attached to the suffering.  We truly do not know what God’s will for us is, yet we get down on our knees, and surrender our lives to Her will.  We give ourselves completely to His loving mercy and care.  We suffer what we must, learn the lesson, and move on.  And the lesson is always about faith, trust and love.

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